Rebuilding Islam, Black Horses & Muslim World Unity
I saw this dream in 2013.
We were living in a small place filled with darkness. Our main Islamic building was captured by anti Islamic forces. Then Allah ﷻ sent Muhammad ﷺ to us by His Mercy.
Upon seeing Muhammad ﷺ We all became really happy that Allah ﷻ has sent Muhammad ﷺ to us again, and now the time has come that we become united again and regain our Islamic building.
Muhammad ﷺ said to me, “Qasim go and tell all the muslim leaders about me. That Muhammad ﷺ has come to us again to free his Islamic building from anti Islamic forces and to rebuild it”. I tell Muhammad ﷺ that “Yes I will go now and convey Your message them all”. Muhammad ﷺ tells me that “I will wait for you”.
When I go to muslim leaders and convey the message of Muhammad ﷺ then they don’t believe me. I tell them “do you only love Muhammad ﷺ in your words”? “Anyone can say mighty things by his tongue. You all should show your love to Muhammad ﷺ by your actions and not only by your words. Muhammad ﷺ is waiting for you all”. Then they say to me “Qasim don’t waste our time, we know what is right and what is wrong. And whatever we are doing, we are doing it for the service of Islam”.
I decide to go back but on the way back I find powerful black horses. I take them along with me. After coming back I tell the complete story to Muhammad ﷺ. I say to Muhammad ﷺ that I am going alone to free the building of your Islam. Then Muhammad ﷺ said “Wait my son! I will go with you”. Then I said ” Alright, I have a very powerful horse for You Rasululah ﷺ ride it”. Muhammad ﷺ told the other people to wait for us here. We go to the place where our main building was. And we used to live in this building before. Anti Islamic forces had captured this building. They were killing the muslims who were already there and were also destroying Islam.
l and Muhammad ﷺ started to fight but they were too many in numbers and power. I see that some forces disguise themselves as muslims forces. They were not muslims and they were causing more damage to Islam. I told Muhammad ﷺ that “these forces are too much, you sit here and have rest and glorify Alláh ﷻ with praises. I will fight these forces alone with the help of Allah”.
And then I start to fight these forces with the Nur (light) of Allah ﷻ. And Muhammad ﷺ start to supplicate to Allah ﷻ “Help Qasim”, then all the forces were destroyed. Only those people remained who loved peace. No hypocrite force could stand before the Nur (light) of Allah ﷻ. We regain that Islamic building again. That building was much broken. I tell Muhammad ﷺ that we need to rebuild this building now. Muhammad ﷺ became very happy on regaining the building. Muhammad ﷺ said to me “Qasim stay here while I go tell the other Muslims”. And then Muhammad ﷺ told other Muslims. “That we have regained our place and everyone should go there. Qasim is over there and play your role in rebuilding Islam”.